BMS Awarded Grant for New Fitness Equipment

If endurance is a key to fitness, then Shelly Prickel at BMS has no competition. Shelly prepared an outstanding grant application for the BCEF Western Night competition in April, asking attendees to support her proposal for new fitness equipment for the mezzanine area for our junior high students.  Unfortunately, BMS came in second at our event, so Shelly’s idea was not funded that night. However, the BCEF grants committee was so impressed with her idea and the thoroughness of her proposal that it was suggested that she re-submit her proposal during our regular granting cycle in case we had the funds to reconsider. Shelly waited patiently and BCEF was excited to be able to award her a $2,000 grant at the beginning of June to fund her idea. Through her commitment to her students, Shelly will be able to share not only some new ways to stay fit, but also the lessons of endurance and staying the course when you believe in the merits of your ideas. Congratulations to BMS!