Connecting new Bulldog families to a friendly face.

If you’re new to being a Batesville Bulldog family, BCEF can connect you with someone willing to help you navigate the transition. We have families who have volunteered to answer your questions and connect you with the right people. We want you to feel welcome in our Bulldog community.

Click here to be matched with a friendly Bulldog volunteer family!

Are you friendly and responsive? Do you like to meet new people? Have you been in the Batesville Community School Corporation long enough to be able to answer questions for new families?

The Batesville Community Education Foundation is coordinating a program to match established Bulldog families with newcomers so they can get their questions answered by a helpful volunteer. Welcome to Batesville Bulldogs Family Connections!

If you’d like to volunteer to be a friendly helper to those new to our school system, please complete the Google Form at the link below. BCEF will try to match new each family with at least one mentor family that has students in the same grade or with similar interests. We will introduce you via email and share phone numbers. The rest is up to you!

Click here to sign up to become a volunteer family!