BMS Family and Consumer Science teacher Megan Spreckelson was awarded a BCEF grant last fall to purchase eight instant pots/air fryers. With these type of appliances becoming more popular, Spreckelson wanted her students to be able to learn how to use them.

“Approximately 90 students were asked to submit recipe ideas using an air fryer and/or Instant Pot,” Spreckelson told BCEF. “From the student submissions, I was able to find four recipes that I wrote in a student friendly format for them to use in class. We were able to use the Air Fryer component of the appliance to make donuts. They were a huge hit and students really enjoyed having this opportunity.

“There are many benefits of having these available for classroom use,” she continued. “They are very popular right now, so I was able to offer a current/trending opportunity for them in class. Students also learned the basic use of a small appliance from setting it up, operating it safely and cleaning it up.”
Looks like our grant will be cooking up some great food and new experiences at BMS for years to come.