Thank you to the 12 BCEF sponsors who participated in some way in our workforce roundtable and job fair with high school students at BHS on April 27.
Representatives from the attending businesses had the opportunity to share with BCSC superintendent Paul Ketcham, BHS principal Andy Allen, and guidance counselor Jen Steinkamp their feedback on the skills and character traits necessary for our students to be successful future employees.
Several of the sponsors were then treated to a tour of BHS before the job fair portion, where students from all four grades were able to visit employer tables and obtain information about part-time jobs, summer jobs, co-op and mentorships placements, and jobs after graduation.
We are grateful for these sponsors, as well as the others who could not attend. They supply much of the unrestricted funding that supports this program, as well as others, that BCEF provides every year to our students and staff.