Spring 2024 Grants Help Students Succeed

The Batesville Community Education Foundation (BCEF) awarded $5,000 to three projects at the Batesville Community School Corporation (BCSC) during its spring 2024 grant cycle. Each of these projects is focused on a different technique to help students succeed.

Batesville Middle School (BMS) seventh grade social studies teacher Travis Smith was awarded funds to purchase an additional horseshoe-shaped table and accompanying stools for his classroom. Smith reported that the students enjoy working in small groups with him at the current table he has like this (also funded by BCEF)—so much so, that he realized a second table would provide even more benefit. Student engagement, especially among those students who are more likely to participate when in a smaller group, has increased since the first table was installed last year.

Also at BMS, counselor Bridgitte Price received a grant to help fund a new event, the “Bulldog Ready Summit,” for all eighth graders on May 3. The summit will give students the opportunity to work with community agencies and partners who are donating their time to help our students experience life as a 27-year-old for one day. In the afternoon, students will hear from the community agencies and partners through a panel discussion to learn more about their journey into their careers today. This will allow students to learn about both trade careers, as well as careers that require a college diploma. The full-day experience will be continually offered for all 8th graders throughout the years to come.

A new program to help students address anxiety, stress, and lack of emotional control will be piloted at Batesville High School and Batesville Middle School, thanks to a BCEF grant. BCSC wellness coordinator Lisa Tuveson has been awarded funds to bring the HeartMath program to the schools. Through the grant, a select number of school counselors will be trained and computers/materials will be purchased so the program can launch in the fall. HeartMath’s goal is to teach students to reduce their stress and balance their emotions using their heart rhythm as one indicator.

“This was a unique grant cycle for BCEF,” executive director Anne Wilson commented, “because none of the grants awarded are purely academic in nature. Instead, they focus on learning environments or real-world experiences, which also have a deep effect on students’ success. As the new Bulldog Ready initiative launches at BCSC in the fall, focusing on community-connected opportunities for learning, we will likely see more of these types of BCEF grants in the future.”