The outside temperature warmed up enough recently for the next mural in our Art on Main series to be installed. Illustrated by seventh grader Addi Froehling, the mural brightens the corner of Batesville’s downtown at Main and George Streets
Froehling’s design was chosen by BMS art teacher Lynne DiMuzio from submissions created during class. The mural theme chosen by BCEF for this school year is “Bulldogs for Life.”
“The bulldog in my mural is fairly large, since it is our school mascot,” Froehling told BCEF during a recent interview. “Since Indiana and Batesville are known for basketball, I included a basketball player. The barn reflects that we are located in a rural area, and the pawprints within the state outline show Bulldogs returning home to Ripley and Franklin counties.”
“I’m so proud of my art students,” shared DiMuzio. “They used skills they had learned in class and their creative ideas to develop the theme in a variety of ways. It’s exciting for Addi’s artwork to be displayed for everyone in the community to see.”
BMS principal Dave Strouse expressed thanks to BCEF for the opportunity for his school’s students to be showcased in downtown.
“I’m excited for everyone in Batesville—and visitors who come to our town—to see Addi’s artwork and everything our schools are all about.”