Art on Main is a new initiative we’ve created in downtown Batesville to showcase the artistic talents of our BCSC students. The initial mural installed last October featured artwork by several students at Batesville Primary School. In December, that artwork was swapped out for a mural by Howard Hund, BIS 5th grader.

Howard told us it only took him about 20 minutes to draw it by hand and then he colored it with colored pencils, which he said took far longer than it took to draw it! His teacher, Olivia Branch, helped to render it in digital form so it could be made into the giant wall art.
BHS alumnus Jimmy Rowland installed the mural at night under a tarp to keep the temperature warm enough for it to adhere to the wall on the side of Nick Maple’s The Simons Company building
In addition to Howard’s artwork, BIS decided to have its own mural made of all of its students’ Art on Main submissions for installation on a school hallway. Rowland Graphics was able to install it over the holiday break.
BMS artists will be up next this spring.
Bulldogs Work Together…yes, they do—to create a fantastic mural in downtown Batesville!